Vitamins and Minerals for Good Oral Health of your Kids

You must be aware that minerals and vitamins are necessary for the overall health of our body but are you aware that these nutrients are equally necessary for the oral health? Each vitamin and mineral have different benefits for your oral hygiene especially kids as they are growing and require nutrients for development of their bones and teeth. There are some nutrients that are specifically great for the teeth and gums of your children.

Kids must get vitamins from a healthy and balanced diet, which should include:

  • Milk including dairy products like yogurt and cheese and mostly low-fat items for kids over 3 year
  • Sufficient amount of fresh fruits and green and leafy vegetables
  • Whole grains and cereals like brown rice and steel cut oats
  • Protein in fish, eggs, chicken and meat

Which Kids Need Vitamin Supplements?
Due to busy parents, home-cooked food may not be always available for well-rounded meals hence it is recommended to have a daily multivitamin supplement for:

  • Children who are not eating daily and balanced meals comprising of fresh and whole foods
  • Fussy kids who are not eating enough
  • Children with chronic medical conditions like digestive troubles or asthma, particularly if the kid is under medications, it is advisable to speak with the dentist for kids first prior to starting a supplement in case your child is under medication
  • Specifically active children who play physically demanding games
  • Children eating a great deal of fast foods, processed foods and convenience foods
  • Children eating vegetarian diet; as they may lack iron and require iron supplement, a dairy-free diet; they may require calcium supplement, or any other restricted diet
  • Children who consume a whole lot of carbonated sodas, which can extract minerals and vitamins from their bodies

Top Minerals and Vitamins Necessary for Oral Health of Kids

vitamins and minerals banners

Some of the minerals and vitamins are necessary and are important for growing children and their dental growth, which include:

Vitamin A

It catapults usual development; bone, teeth and tissue repair work; along with healthy eyes, skin, and promotes immune responses. Some great sources of Vitamin A include cheese, milk, cheese, yellow and orange vegetables like squash, yams, carrots, eggs etc.

Vitamin B

There is a package of B vitamins — B2, B3, B6, and B12 that aids metabolism, produces energy and healthy nervous and circulatory systems. Some good sources of vitamin B include chicken, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, milk, beans, cheese, soybeans etc.

Vitamin C

This vitamin simulates healthy muscles, skin and connective tissues as said by kid’s dentists. Best sources of this vitamin include kiwi, citrus fruit, tomatoes, lemon, strawberries, and green vegetables.

Vitamin D

It promotes tooth and bone development and allows the body absorbs calcium. This vitamin is found in abundance in milk and other consolidated dairy products, fish oil and egg yolks. The most ideal source of this vitamin is the natural one — sunlight.


It helps build consolidated bones and teeth of a child. Some ideal sources are milk, yogurt, cheese, and calcium-based orange juice.


It builds muscle and is also essential for developing red blood cells and development of teeth. Iron deficiency may pose threat in adolescence, particularly for girls when they reach their puberty. Some best sources of iron include red meats, beef, spinach, turkey, spinach, beans, and pork.


Giving heavy doses of minerals and vitamins aren’t suggested for children by us. Vitamin A, D, E and K, which are fat-soluble vitamin, may act as toxic to kids if overdose is taken. The same is applicable for the iron supplement too.

Fresh Foods – The Ideal Source of Best Vitamins

Healthy children receive the best health depending on what you give them to eat. If you wish to see your kids healthy and fit, serving a great variety of whole and fresh foods is the key. This is far much better than offering kids multivitamin supplements. It has been established that most minerals and vitamins in foods are having high quantity of proteins and carbohydrates and least quantity of fats. Fresh vegetable fruit also add to its nutritional package.

To offer kids a complete food, aim for variety of food, vegetable and fruits not just more food. Deficiency of proper nutrition may lead to several tooth disorders like well gums, teeth and cavities.

Sound nutrition is instrumental in developing and strengthening your child’s learning and bone and teeth development. It is suggested by the kid’s dentists to strict on feeding a wide range of healthy foods to your children rather than getting tempted by cartoon characters that are selling supplements. It will not only promote the overall development of your kid but it will also consolidate their teeth, which is often recommended by Dentist for kids.

Cost And Time Of Various Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Often, people think visiting a cosmetic dentist or undergoing a cosmetic treatment requires a large investment. Since most of the insurance companies don’t cover the cost of cosmetic treatments, it is often ignored until it impacts their professional or personal life.

The fact is, it depends on the individual’s condition and needs. There is a common misunderstanding about the total time one needs to spend with a cosmetic dentist and about the impact of a specific treatment.

Dr. Zayed and Dr. Batzios will happily explain the ideal procedure, its cost and actual time required for a specific cosmetic treatment or a surgery, based on the different conditions and scenarios.

Tooth Whitening

Discolored_teethWhen you have ideal tooth structure, i.e., all your teeth are positioned in their proper places, as they should be, are in good shape, and don’t have any other issues like spacing or fractured teeth, the only treatment you may need is teeth whitening followed by a complete dental cleaning.

Depending on how bad the discolouration of your teeth is, your dentist may opt for an alternative solution, which is more effective and lasts longer.

Teeth whitening can be accomplished in one or two visits to the clinic, diagnosis and evaluation can be done on the initial visit and the procedure can be finished in second visit or both in a single visit.

When You Need Braces

Orthodontic BracesHaving teeth positioned and aligned perfectly is the key requirement of a beautiful smile and fully functional teeth. If your teeth are heavily crowded, misaligned or you have an improper bite, it may be necessary to get orthodontic treatment to correct the structure of your teeth.

According to your condition, the dentist may opt for a specific type of braces and may ask you to wear them for 12 to 18 months. Once your teeth are moved back to their correct position, or are suitably aligned, further procedures should be followed in order to maintain proper alignment of your teeth.

Two to three visits to the clinic are necessary for the setup of braces. On your first visit, the dentist may diagnose your condition and complete formalities, and take your dental X ray. Your second visit will focus on setting the braces. A procedure like tooth extraction may demand an extra intermediate visit to the clinic.

The cost of the braces may vary as per its type. Metal braces are more affordable than Invisalign and Ceramic braces. Generally, the cost of braces varies between $5000-$10,000.

When You Need an Artificial Tooth

Dental ImplantA dental implant becomes necessary, when a large gap is present, due to a lost tooth There are several reasons that you want to replace a missing tooth or teeth. A tooth has many functions some being to chew, to speak, to keep the facial muscles and tissue in a proper position, to smile, and to keep the other teeth from shifting. Once a tooth is lost this whole balance is disrupted and it leads to many various problems.,The cost of a single implant starts at approx. $ 800-1000, depending on your preference for the artificial crown’s material. The cost increases with the number of implants you need.

In certain cases, like multiple tooth replacement, dental bridges or dentures may be adopted as an alternative to dental implants. A fixed dental bridge costs less in comparison to dental implants.

Veneers and Crowns

veneersIf a few of your front teeth lack proper structure and shape, covering them with veneers proves to be a quick and affordable solution, as compared to complete orthodontic treatment.Veneers are ultra-thin shells of ceramic (porcelain) or a composite resin material, which are bonded to the front of teeth. This procedure requires little or no anesthesia and can be the ideal choice for improving the appearance of the front teeth. Veneers are placed to mask discolorations, to brighten teeth and to improve a smile.

A crown is a tooth colored restoration that covers, or “caps,” a tooth to restore it to its normal shape and size, strengthening and improving the appearance of a tooth. Crowns are necessary when a tooth is generally broken down and fillings won’t solve the problem. If a tooth is cracked, a crown holds the tooth together to seal the cracks so the damage doesn’t get worse. Crowns are also used to restore a tooth when there isn’t enough of the tooth remaining to provide support for a large filling, attach a bridge, protect weak teeth from fracturing, restore fractured teeth or cover badly shaped or discolored teeth.

The cost of a single crown or a veneer may vary from $700 to$1500, depending on the type of crown used.

Are you located in Melbourne? If Yes, Have a free consultation about any of the treatments described above by an experienced cosmetic dentist in Melbourne only at Monash Dental Group. Today, there are various alternatives available for various treatments focused to enhance the appearance of your smile. Dentists at Monash Dental Group believe in adopting personalized solution for each and every patient according to his needs and requirement. So, Don’t hesitate to call us on 03 9544 8241 and book your free consultation today!!

What Is The Procedure For Dental Implant Surgery?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Dental implants may be an option for people who have lost a tooth or teeth due to periodontal disease, an injury, or some other reason.To get a brief overview of this process and what to expect, we have explained the process and other related details below:

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant can be thought of as an artificial tooth root that is submerged into the jawbone. When dental work such as a crown, fixed bridge or a full set of dentures is added, one or more missing teeth can be replaced. A dental implant is fabricated from a very strong, biocompatible material placed in a simple procedure that, generally, is as convenient as a tooth extraction. After an initial healing period, during which the implant is buried in bone and left undisturbed under gum tissue, it is uncovered and connected to a small metal post that secures and supports the artificial tooth.

Why Should You Get Dental Implants?

There could be several reasons for getting a dental implant, which include:

  • Replacement of missing teeth without weakening adjacent teeth
  • Retain and enhance facial tissues
  • Retain patient’s confidence by offering a perfect facial smile
  • Prevent bite issues or joint pain due to shifting of teeth to the space of missing teeth

Who is An Appropriate Candidate?

The candidate for dental implant should be in good overall health. Proper jaw bone and healthy gums are necessary for a successful dental implant. In addition, you should meet the general medical requirements.

The Procedure

The entire process may take few months (each visit is separated by 3-4 months) or it can also be done immediately, depending on the need and dental health of the patient. If you are going for single or multiple teeth implants you would need to make four visits to our dentist.

Initial Visit

In the initial visit surgeon would evaluate and examine your candidacy for the procedure and the suitable treatment options for you. In this procedure we take X-rays and examine your medical and dental history.

Second Visit

In this visit, the fixture would be installed as a replacement of the root portion through a keyhole surgery to reduce the discomfort. A temporary tooth is offered to expedite the healing. The entire process may take an hour.

Third Visit

In this visit we would examine the results of tooth implant and if the tooth is successfully integrated with the jaw bone, we would replace the temporary tooth and take the impression for crafting a permanent tooth.

Fourth Visit

This is the last visit where we permanently place the crafted crown/bridge atop the implant, offering you the final product.

Full Mouth Dental Implants

If you are missing all of your teeth, an implant-supported full bridge or full denture can replace them. Dental implants will replace both your lost natural teeth and some of the roots.

With conventional dentures, the bone that previously surrounded the tooth roots begins to resorb (deteriorate). Dental implants integrate with your jawbone, helping to keep the bone healthy and intact. In the long term, implants can be more esthetic and easier to maintain than conventional dentures.

Immediate Implant Placement

This procedure involves placing the implant and replacement tooth all at the same time, rather than waiting for three to six months between the first and second stages. Known in dental terminology as ‘immediate loading’, this instant process means that you can have your new tooth in around an hour.

Generally only patients with ample jawbone density and with no other predisposing risk factors are appropriate candidates for immediate loading.

Precautions And Care After Root Canal Procedure

After your root canal procedure has been completed, it’s time to care for your teeth. In this procedure the pulp that is in the tooth’s center is removed. The pulp cavity is drained, cleaned, and medicated. A filler is then put in the pulp cavity and sealed in place.
Some of the major tips that should be followed after this endodontic treatment include:

  • You should not eat on the side of the mouth the procedure has been performed on, even if this area is still numb.
  • You should place an ice pack on the location where the procedure was done for half an hour, when you get back home, to reduce swelling. Apply this pack every hour for 10 minutes.
  • Take the pain-reliever that was prescribed by your dentis within one hour subsequent to the procedure to ensure the medication gets into your blood stream before the anesthesia used during the procedure wears off.
  • Take the medication prescribed by your dentist after the procedure, this will likely include pain medication and an antibiotic to reduce the chance of infection. Complete the entire course of the antibiotic.
  • It is always suggested to sleep with your head slightly elevated for the initial few nights subsequent to the procedure if you are not suffering from any physical restrictions.
  • Make sure that you eat a soft diet for a minimum of two days after the procedure and do not chew on the treated side. You should also avoid very cold or very hot foods during this healing time as your tooth is likely to be very sensitive to temperature extremes.
  • Try to chew on the opposite side of the tooth which has just been treated, until your crown is placed. Until that time, your tooth is not strong to bear the pressure of chewing and chewing may damage it.
  • Do not smoke in the initial 24 hours and reduce the frequency of smoking for the remaining healing duration as it may prolong the healing process. You should also avoid alcoholic beverages and avoid doing any strenuous exercise for a day.
  • Avoid any hard or crunchy foods until your crown has been placed.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water occasionally for at least 2 days.
  • Your affected tooth will be sensitive to the pressure of biting and feel loose due to sensitive nerve-endings. Warm salt water rinses several times a day can be helpful along with consuming only soft foods during the healing process.
  • Within two days post procedure, you may experience a small area of inflammation on the gum tissue near the affected tooth that may approximate a pimple. Do not be alarmed, this is normal and is your body’s natural way of draining out the excess fluid that has accumulated as the result of the inflammatory process, it will subside naturally.

These are some of the precautionary measures and essential tips that need to be followed once you get home after a root canal treatment. Following these tips and instructions will allow your tooth to heal faster without any complications arising. Just ensure you follow these tips and remember your crown is the last step to this process, so until then you need to be extra careful.

What Are The Advantages Of Invisalign?

Invisalign treatment is essential nowadays, especially to straighten the crooked teeth. It requires wearing a set of clear, plastic trays or aligners that can be removed and are Invisible. The Invsialign treatment comprises a series of nearly invisible, removable aligners that can be changed frequently, for the next set of aligners.

Monash Dental Group clearly believes in giving you the most beautiful and unique smile. The specialist dentist, having specialized in the field of  cosmetic dentistry provides unique and exciting solutions to your everyday teeth problems without causing you less trouble and having to shell out the minimum amount of money for it.

The smile of invisalign treatment transforms your appearance for sure. This cosmetic dentistry solution, easily transforms your smile without interfering with your day-to-day life. Now, let us check out the advantages of this treatment for your beloved teeth.

Advantages of Invisalign Compare to Braces

Comfortable and Popular: This approach is absolutely transparent which makes it far more difficult to detect with traditional wire and braces. This makes Invisalign treatment popular among the adults who want a modern and up-to-date method of straightening the teeth without having to wear the traditional metal braces, which are commonly worn by children and adolescents. The aligners are proven to be more comfortable than the braces. According to the recent statistics, more than 730,000 patients have completed or are under the treatment of invisalign. That’s enough to win your trust as to why so many people are going for this popular treatment.

Quicker Treatment: Invisalign treatment is proven to be quicker as well. In a recent study conducted by researchers, invisalign was shown to be faster and could achieve straighter teeth than alternative ones. Therefore, it makes all the sense to invest your money in this treatment. After all, who wouldn’t want to have a quicker result?

Look attractive: Aligners do not even make you feel that you are using them until one observes them real closely. This makes people want to buy this solution because it doesn’t make you look embarrassed or conscious in public places. You can still, feel proud and open to flaunt the new setting of your teeth. The treatment takes minimum teeth so that you can get your job done quickly without having troubled teeth. So, smile!

These advantages are enough to get your gut feeling boosted about undergoing this treatment. Take the right decision of inviting this service of Invisalign treatment as your teeth need to be pampered. Ask your cosmetic dentist, for more advice on it.

Smile like never before

Monash Dental Group believes in providing the right and best dental diagnosis to our patients so that they can carry the mark of our service, forever, in their beautiful smile. Invisalign treatment is widely popular these days and people are rejecting the traditional form of braces in large numbers. It has full filled all the conditions which any ordinary traditional brace fails to provide.

Our clinic, having expert dentists with years of experience provides solutions to all your dental problems and queries which can be worked upon by our dentist and teeth advisers. So, smile freely and beautifully because we hate the idea of hideous teeth existing in our society. Go for invisalign treatment and give your teeth, a healthy life.

Apicoectomy – Causes, Procedure, Risk, Precautions

The root of the teeth holds it in place and this root stretches into the jawbone. Front teeth are blessed with one root, whereas other teeth like molars and premolars are equipped with two or even more roots. The tip of every root is termed as an apex. Blood vessels and nerves reach the tooth passing through the apex. They move through a channel within the root, and reach the pulp chamber, which sits inside the surface of the tooth.

An apicoectomy is done when an infection is experienced after root canal treatment. Root canals are pretty complicated as it has many small nerves off the major canal. Often, after root canal treatment, there could remain some infected tissues in these branches. This may delay the healing process or cause re-infection. In this dental process, the apex is discarded along with other tissues that are infected. A filling is then placed to seal the end of the root.

An apicoectomy is also known as endodontic microsurgery as it’s often done leveraging an operating microscope.

Need for Apicoectomy

Even after being treated for root canal, it again gets infection, performing an apicoectomy becomes necessary as the problem is the tip of the root. In some cases the second time root canal may be considered prior to opting out for an apicoectomy.

Your dentist may also opt for an apicoectomy to rectify the problem to retain the tooth. This procedure is performed only when a tooth already had a root canal treatment and the further root canal has failed or is not possible due to some obvious reasons. An apicoectomy is the best solution under these circumstances.

Preparation for Apicoectomy

You need to get a consultation from your dentist. It is usually done by a professional endodontist or else a general dentist having advanced training can also perform the endodontic surgery.

Prior to the surgery, your dentist would take some X-rays of your tooth and nearby bones. You would be provided with an antimicrobial mouth rinse, and a medicine to cut down inflammation, and some antibiotics.

Your endodontist would also review your medical history. Just ensure to update your dentist about your dental history and medicines if you are taking any, including over-the-counter medicines, supplements and vitamins. Given other medical conditions, your endodontist may consult with your physician prior to the procedure.

The Procedure

Endodontist will create a tiny incision in your gum to lift it away from the tooth. The surgeon would use a drill to reach the root. The tissue that is infected will be taken out along with the root tip. Your surgeon would highlight the breaks and cracks in the tooth. In case the tooth has comprehensive cracks or breaks, it may be extracted. But under this circumstance, the apicoectomy will discontinue.

After this procedure the endodontist would clean the chamber and seal the opening of the tooth’s canal. For cleaning a specific microscope is used along with some ultrasonic instruments. The surgeon will then again take an X-ray of the location prior to stitching the tissue.

Usually this apicoectomies lasts for 30 to 90 minutes. The variation of time depends on the complexity and location of the tooth and its root structure. The front teeth require the shortest period as it is easily accessible being in the forefront. The lower molars are considered to be complex and takes longest time.


Your dentist will inform you about the medicines you should take and diet along with the precautionary measures. You would be advised to administer ice pack to the operated area giving equal intervals of gap. It is suggested to follow this procedure after 10 to 12 hours of surgery, and you should take sufficient rest during this time.

The operated area may swell or bruise. The next day the swelling would be more prominent compare to the first day. The pain can be alleviated by using over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

You should avoid brushing the area or rinsing strongly the operated area to allow it to heal properly and faster. You should also stop smoking or eating hard, sticky and crunchy foods. Lifting lip to examine the operated area may also be avoided for better recuperation. All these activities may undo the stitches; and can also interfere with the formation of the blood clot, necessary for healing.

You may also experience some senselessness in the location for some day or even few weeks after surgery. You should visit your dentist in this situation. The numbness should wither away with time.

Your stitches may need to be removed after 2 to 7 days post surgery or else they may dissolve with time. All swelling, pain and soreness would subside in a fortnight.

Risks with Apicoectomy

The surgeon will examine the threats of the procedure at your next consultation visit. Just remember to ask questions if you are not clear about the dentist’s suggestion and advices. The major risk with this surgery could be the procedure may not work leading to the extraction of the tooth.

Given the tooth’s location, the risks may increase or decrease. The rear tooth of upper jaw, may involve your sinuses also with the infection. You may be suggested antibiotics or decongestants.

The roots of the rear teeth of the lower jaw are associated with some prominent nerves. Surgery may promote a slight risk of nerve damage. Your endodontist will take X-rays to assess the closeness of the roots with the nerves. The possibility of nerve damage is quite bleak.

When to Take Medical Help

If you are suffering from swelling and pain in the tooth that has undergone root canal procedure, you should consult your dentist. Often post root canal a pimple appears near the tooth, which may subside and reappear. It is termed as fistula. It may contain pus too. It is the signal that there is an infection and it is being drained out through the pimple. You should contact your dentist for this issue.

Which Conditions Demand A Visit To Cosmetic Dentist?

Having a smile that you are proud of, doesn’t play a role in improving your cosmetic appearance only, but also helps in improving confidence communicating with other people around you. Furthermore, with modern dental science and technology, various cosmetic dentistry procedures which used to provide slow results and meant to be costly, have been improved and able to provide instant results now. Below, we are going to explain a few conditions for which you should prefer to have a treatment from the cosmetic dentist rather than a general dentist if your goal is to improve appearance of your teeth and to avail benefits of latest cosmetic dental treatment and solutions.

Stained/Discolored teeth

Discolored teethThere are various reasons that cause discoloration of the teeth or cause stained teeth. Smoking, tobacco chewing, drinking and diet play an important role along with not maintaining good oral hygiene habits for loosing natural teeth color.

Tooth whitening is the possible solution for getting the natural color of your teeth back. Dental bleaching is the traditional way to whiten your teeth at the dental office. It follows by applying a bleaching agent like hydrogen peroxide in the form of gel on your teeth and a special laser light is applied for 15-20 minutes that active the bleaching agents and improves the shade of your teeth.

If there is an additional tartar present on your teeth, it gets removed by scaling and polishing procedure.
Laser treatment, customized bleaching trays made by your dentist and teeth whitening toothpastes are some modern cosmetic dentistry solutions which provide quicker results depending on the condition of your teeth.
There are various teeth whitening kits are available in the market, you must consult your dentist before trying any of the kit or solution influencing by media advertising or TV promotion.

Miss-structured teeth

BracesIf you have misaligned teeth or don’t have proper structure as it should be, orthodontic treatment is applied as an intermediate procedure, pre/post teeth whitening, as suggested by your dentist. Along with cosmetic purpose, having proper tooth structure helps you maintaining good hygiene.

Other than the conditions that demands TMJ or corrective jaw surgery, braces are the solution dentist adopt for correcting tooth position or alignment.

If you aren’t visiting dentist due to the scary look you get after braces, modern solutions like Invisalign and ceramic brackets are there to make you feel comfortable with braces as well and also hides that you are wearing braces due to their transparent attributes.

Ideally, Orthodontic treatment adopted in childhood after the appearance of permanent teeth is the best scenario, hence, it is never too late and one can go in adult age as well.

Dental Implants

dental implantA dental implant is adopted when you lost your permanent teeth by some incidents or your dentist needs to extract the teeth which isn’t in proper position to apply braces effectively.
In this procedure, dentist implants artificial teeth in place of missing teeth to fill the gap caused by extracted tooth or lost tooth.

The best scenario to have a dental implant is after having an orthodontic treatment. As when your teeth will be positioned correctly with the help of braces, there will be enough space for implant to be adopted.
If the gap caused by a lost tooth isn’t covered on time, it becomes easier for food bacteria to grow and spread infection which may cause damage to surrounding teeth as well.

Tooth Repairing & Restoration (Filling and Crown)

restorationIn case of a fractured tooth, the dentist applies artificial crown which looks like natural teeth and acts as a natural tooth to perform basic tasks. It is necessary to repair a half broken tooth or it may cause tooth sensitivity and the root of the tooth exposed which invites bacteria and may cause pulp infection.

Dental filling is an alternate option of crown to repair the teeth when only a small portion of the tooth is damaged or fractured.

Depending on the material used for dental crown and filling, the cost of the treatment varies.

Gummy Smile

Gummy SmileAlso preferred as a periodontal issue, when your gums cover more visible part of your teeth, it is known as gummy smile. It acts as an obstacle in procedure of designing a beautiful smile and dentist may increase the length of crown by applying procedure like dental crown lengthening.

So, for above conditions, it is good to visit dentist having specialty in cosmetic dentistry rather than a general dentist. Want to evaluate your smile or re-design your smile? Come to Monash Dental Group, Melbourne based dental clinic offers treatment for the above procedures by experienced cosmetic dentists in Melbourne

How Family Dentist Helps?

Having a family dentist is like having medical insurance for your teeth. As regular visit to your family dentist informs and make you aware of your oral condition and instruct for better oral hygiene which work as a wall against certain dental disease which demands for treatments which aren’t covered by your dental insurance. So, a few bucks of spending on visits to family dentistry can prove a profitable investment in future. Furthermore, in emergency issues with your teeth or friendly genuine advice on various cosmetic products or treatment, he acts as a guide. Let’s quickly review how helpful is to have a family dentist.

Taking complete oral care of your family

Education on developing good oral habits, making aware the patients about preventive measures for bigger problems which may be developing in their mouth and demonstrating right techniques for flossing and brushing are the primary responsibilities of family dentist.

This involves taking care of each and every family member, having a small or bigger issue, a call to family dentist is first for knowing the right solution. Whether your grandpa needs denture, your 6 year kid has miss-aligned or crooked teeth and thinking of right type of braces; have a 2 year baby suffering from pain due to teething or you want to adapt any cosmetic treatment to enhance the appearance of your smile, your family dentist helps in taking complete care for every member with right suggestion and advice.

Other than this, regular treatments include:

  • Diagnosis your teeth and gums to evaluate any problem
  • Cleaning your teeth or removing tartar to prevent gingivitis
  • Suggesting you additional treatment or consuming external sources of fluoride for stronger and healthier teeth

Taking care of Insurance and Making you Aware for the same

Not every insurance company out there is genuine and will help you cover the spending for your dental treatment. In such condition, responsibility of family dentist also involves suggesting you right insurance firm and making you aware of which treatment will be covered and which won’t under different terms and condition.

As dentists have good experience dealing with patients of different needs, they know the exact cost, type of treatment or surgery covered or offered by a specific insurance company.

So, before making decision on choosing right insurance firm, one must consult with your family dentist first.
Located in Melbourne and still looking for genuine dentists who take care of all responsibilities mentioned above? You can choose and rely on Monash Dental Group as your family dentist in Melbourne. Our friendly dentist and polite staff are eager to help you out with any issue or doubt you have in your mind for your oral hygiene.

Taking Care Of Your Kids Teeth At Different Age

From the age of 3 to 12, cavity, plaque and tooth decay are very common, impacted by not following good oral hygiene tips or due to some bad habits or due to having diet & food comprise of high sugar or acid. Maintaining healthy teeth in kids is a key responsibility of every parent and taking care from its initial growth is much beneficial than taking care after occurring any dental issue or problem.

In this post, Kids dentistry specialist from Monash Dental Group explains about different stages when your kid’s teeth start to grow and essential tips for avoiding decay.

At the time of Teething, Age 3 Months

Teething beings at the age of 3 months and during this time, it is possible that your baby may suffer from fever, rashes or diarrhea and feels uncomfortable. There are certain medicines are available which you can give to your baby with dentist recommendation

After around 1 year of birth, baby teeth start to appear and it gets initiated with first two front teeth. During the time, when you feed only liquid food to your baby, you should avoid habits like feeding your baby at night with a bottle and develop habits of cleaning the baby’s mouth with a soft cloth after feeding. At the age of around 3, all 20 baby teeth will appear and taking good oral hygiene described in next point is necessary to follow. Baby bottle tooth decay is very common which occurred due to feeding any kind of sugary drink at night for making them asleep.

Age 3 when all 20 teeth appeared

Even if the baby teeth aren’t permanent and fall with the time, a good oral care is must create a healthy platform in jawbone for adult teeth and to avoid issues like misalignment, earlier tooth lost or gum disease which potentially impact on growth of adult teeth.

Doing brushing & flossing twice becomes important for strong teeth. Habits like thumb sucking, lip sucking or habit of Sippy cups should be avoided as preventive care tips which may leads to issues like overbite, under bite or crowded teeth.

If your kids start brushing at this age, you should make sure that they don’t swallow the toothpaste and must split it out or dark spot may appear on the tooth’s surface on swallowing fluoride based toothpaste.

Age Between 6 to 12

At this age, baby teeth start falling and permanent teeth start to appear. If your kids suffering from issues like tooth decay or gum disease, you should get it resolved as soon as possible before the adult teeth appear.

If the decay or gum disease reaches to the root of the tooth, it will impact on the growth of permanent teeth.

When few or all the adult teeth appear in your kids, it is recommended to visit a dentist or orthodontic specialist for ensuring the proper growth of the teeth as early orthodontic treatment gives the best result in minimum possible time compared to doing at adult age.

For Teenage, age 13-19

Now, your kids become teenagers and they become mature enough to understand the importance of maintaining oral hygiene. Still, type of diet also impacts on tooth decay or disease as eating sugary food or drinks frequently can also cause such a problem even following the good oral habits.

Additional Tips for Preventing Decay: (Things to Keep in Mind: )

  • As described before, schedule an appointment with child dentist at age of 4-6 months (after teething), 1 year, 3 years and 6 years with the gradual growth of teeth as described previously for evaluation of proper growth and oral hygiene.
  • Try to make a habit of not feeding your baby at night with a bottle or sippy cups.
  • The precise amount of fluoride is necessary for healthy teeth which is present in water and in toothpaste. Don’t give fluoride from external resources to your kids unless it is recommended by dentists.
  • Make your kids a habit of rinsing mouth after every meal to flush out the food particles hidden between teeth gaps or at corner.
  • Limit the sugary food from daily diet and include vegetable, fruits and grains which are source of vitamin and mineral.

Home Remedy Tips For Keeping Your Teeth Bright And Healthy

Even if there are plenty of cosmetic dentistry and general dentistry products available for avoiding any problem related to oral health care, a proper care is must to maintain your teeth stronger and whiter. Following certain good habits or restricting certain junk food or drinks can help a lot and it may delay the expenditure you may spend for your dental care. Along with brushing & flossing, keeping mind below describes things will provide an extra protection against bacterial problem in your mouth.

Controlling Your Diet:

services-periodonticsIt has been proved that, consumption of alcohol causes stained teeth and also dryness in your mouth which is responsible for bad breath. If you are addicted to alcoholic beverages like wine, beer or any other types of alcoholic drink, try to reduce its use. Don’t forget to rinse your mouth after drinking such beverages.

Coffee, black tea and sugary drinks are another drink which has potential to impact negatively on the natural color of your teeth. A sugar present in the drink provides strength to your mouth bacteria which cause plaque, tartar or decay.

Cigarette smoking and tobacco chewing are also a potential reason for stained teeth.

Try to avoid kind of food which contains extreme sugar & acidic and which remained between your teeth.

Include calcium rich food like milk, yogurt, cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables which contain good minerals and vitamins, essential for healthy and strong teeth.

Brushing Properly with Right Toothpaste and Brush:

Brushing at 45Brushing improperly is also one of the reasons behind sensitive teeth or exposed root. A soft bristle brush is essential along with replacing it at every 3-4 months. Also select the brush with medium size head to reach easily into every corner of your jaw. If you are using an electronic brush, replace the head of the brush at every 2-3 month.

Don’t get influenced by fancy toothpaste advertising. Instead, ask your dentist for choosing the right toothpaste. If you feel pain, eating hot food or drinking cold drinks, using a sensitive toothpaste is more appropriate as a pain relief. The same way, high fluoride based toothpaste is good for people having oral issues.

Once you take any meal, don’t forget to floss it for ensuring the removal of food particles.

Clean the tongue properly:

After rinsing your mouth, it is recommended to use a tongue cleaner to remove the plaque from the surface of your tongue. Use an individual cleaner instead of cleaning it with your brush and clean it gently such a way which don’t harm to your tongue.

Mix baking Soda with Toothpaste once in a week:

Mix baking soda with toothpaste once in a week, it will help in brightening your teeth. It is also recommended to not to use it frequently as it can cause tooth sensitivity as well.

MouthwashUse mouthwash for Fresh breath:

Include fluoride based mouthwash for rinsing your mouth in your daily schedule. Certain mouthwash contains alcohol, one should avoid such brands.

Following above dental care tips as described above can prevent disease like gingivitis, plaque, decay or any gum disease.