Most Common Bad Habits In Kids And Its Impact On Oral Hygiene

Being unaware of complication and issues arises in future; kids like to eat sugary food like chocolates, milkshakes, and candy in excessive frequency. Not taking proper care of your kids teeth may cause problems like tooth decay, cavities or other gum disease that can become a potential reason for early tooth lost or unhealthy oral hygiene in kids. Certain bad habits like sucking thumb while sleeping or drinking milk with bottle are also seen as a potential reason for discolored teeth or bacterial infection at night. Dr.  Arthur Batzios, Children dentistry experts from Monash Dental Group explain such a bad habits and possible damage.

Avoiding Dentist:

It is observed that parent ignore to have regular dental check up until major issues are not seen or complained by their kids. Other than common reasons related to good habits, there are bulk of disease connects with oral hygiene of your kids which needs to be consulted to avoid major issues like tooth lost. Prefer twice visit for oral hygiene check up for you and your kid’s teeth.

Drinking Juice or Milk with Baby Bottle

Certain kids don’t drink any liquid after stopping breast feeding for certain time. In such a scenario, mom used to give them a baby bottle as a temporary solution. If your kids drink milk or sugary juice with baby bottle at night, it becomes necessary to rinse the mouth properly to ensure that sugar doesn’t remain on the tooth surface. Such habit causes discoloration in kids.

Swallowing Toothpaste

Kids may like the taste of toothpaste you have been using for brushing and swallow it for fun. External use of fluoride is beneficial for teeth cleaning but excessive consumption through swallowing it can cause a fluorosis, which is responsible for brown spots on your kid’s teeth.

Generally, drinking water has a certain percentage of fluoride in it which is beneficial for human body. But one has to ensure that your water has a proper percentage of fluoride, very low or excessive can cause dental issues and in both conditions, either you need to consume it with extra supplement or need to reduce the contain with water purification equipments.

Thumb Sucking

Thumb SuckingWhen your kids start losing their baby teeth and permanent teeth start appearing, thumb sucking is a common habit among kids. If it gets converted In regular habit, it can cause orthodontic problems and later you would require your kids to have braces for proper teeth alignment. Certain kids also have habits in sucking their thumb while sleeping which should be noticed by parents and necessary steps should be taken to change the habit.

Having such type of habit, kids push to their teeth and If this habit continues to grow up. they also face difficulties in speaking, chewing, cleaning teeth and pronunciation. Thumb sucking, Tongue thrusting and Lip sucking are common habits in kids which may causes for overbite tooth position.

Using teeth as Nail Cutter

Another common habit that may cause damage to tooth enamel and oral hygiene. Using teeth as a tool or other applications where scissor should be used, can break tooth enamel and exposed the tooth root which causes tooth sensitivity.

Not Brushing Properly:

BrushingAfter the eruption of permanent teeth, it becomes necessary to develop habits of brushing and flossing properly. Kids avoid brushing or bush hardly in improper way that can cause damage to the tooth surface in future. So, it’s the responsibility of parents to educate your kids and help them develop good habits for complete oral hygiene.

Teeth Grinding and Crunching

Teeth grinding during a sleep or crunching any hard food like ice cubes or sugary food like chocolates can cause a major issue later.

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay:

Baby Bottle Tooth decayThere are so many cases of baby bottle tooth decay have been observed due to having a lack of knowledge about right habits for feeding their kids. When you put a milk bottle in your kid’s mouth at night to make their asleep, a sugar present in milk, juice or any other type of liquid stays on the front teeth and bacteria get a potential platform to develop tooth decay which is known as baby bottle tooth decay.

Dental Caries:

Taking of sugary food, chocolates and lacking of proper teeth cleaning kids have to suffer from the dental caries problems which is the most common dental problems. If these problems are spread and left untreated, then it may be causes for serious problems.

Early Tooth Loss:

Tooth lossIf not taking proper care or not visiting the dentist, tooth decay get spread in pulp or to the root of the tooth, dentist doesn’t have any other option rather than extracting that damaged tooth to prevent further spread of decay.

The certain gum disease also calls for tooth extraction which is seen very rarely in kids.

In any of the above situation, consulting with Kids dentist is a must to take step for detail diagnosis of the condition and its proper treatment.

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